Special Counsel Jack Smith proposed a gag order, restricting former President Donald Trump's criticism of Smith and his prosecution. Smith's motion, described as "narrowly tailored", intends to prevent Trump's comments from prejudicing his 2020 federal election interference case. Smith's move could be seen as reinforcing Trump's claims of election interference by the Biden Administration. The gag order, common in high-profile...

Wyoming's legislature examines AI regulation, considering three bills. One draft bill provides civil prosecution for "synthetic media" creators, allowing subjects or those misled by such media to sue for distribution restraint or damages. The bill also criminalizes unlawful distribution of misleading synthetic media. Synthetic media, or "deep fakes," are algorithm-generated video or voice recordings mimicking real events. Guilty parties could...

Wisconsin's Republican Assembly passed a redistricting reform plan, transferring map-drawing power from lawmakers to nonpartisan staff. Despite the plan resembling Governor Evers' nonpartisan redistricting proposal, Evers is likely to veto the "bogus" bill. The bill requires approval from the Republican Senate and Evers to become law. Democrats are wary of the proposal, suspecting it's a ruse to prevent the liberal...

Mitt Romney, Utah Senator, known for his problem-solving and compromise-seeking, announced his decision not to run for re-election. His political approach, often out of step with current Republican sentiment, saw him partner with Republicans and Democrats on diverse issues. His tenure, though brief, left a legacy marked by his willingness to go against party lines and follow his convictions. Romney's...

Biden administration sought Supreme Court intervention in blocking a lower court order that restricted its communication with social media companies regarding content moderation. The order, deemed "unprecedented" by U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar, could place a district judge in charge of overseeing executive branch communication with these companies. The lawsuit, filed by Republican attorneys general and individual plaintiffs, argued that...

Florida GOP drops 2024 primary loyalty pledge requirement, favoring Trump. Pledge, binding candidates to support GOP nominee, was resisted by Trump and others. Trump's refusal risked exclusion from general election ballot. State party dropped pledge after vote, averting potential violation of national GOP rules on election qualification changes. Pledge initially aimed to promote party unity, prevent misuse of party resources....

Michigan's Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson, clarifies it's not secretaries of state's role to decide Trump's future electoral eligibility, but courts'. Despite compelling arguments for Trump's disqualification under the 14th Amendment, unresolved questions about his involvement in the Capitol riot and 2020 election disputes remain. Legal interpretations of the amendment's phrasing and state laws on candidate eligibility vary. Timing of...

Wisconsin Senate Republicans voted to fire the state's top election official, Meagan Wolfe, triggering a legal battle over the oversight of voting in the state. The move came as a result of ongoing outrage within the GOP over the 2020 election. After the vote, Democratic Attorney General Josh Kaul filed a lawsuit to block Republican leaders from appointing a new...

Florida Governor DeSantis took undisclosed private jet trips and accepted lodging and dining during late 2018, revealing a tendency for luxury travel and time with wealthy donors. These trips occurred between DeSantis's election and inauguration. One trip involved DeSantis travelling to Augusta National Golf Club on a plane owned by Mori Hosseini, a major home builder. Hosseini later profited from...

Denver University's Center on American Politics surveyed 2,600 GOP county chairs, revealing shifting sentiments in candidate support. Trump, initially tied with DeSantis, gained support post-indictments wave, but recent surveys show softened support, still leading with 27% committed chairs. Half of local Republican leaders remain uncommitted. Candidate consideration revealed DeSantis leading, though dropping from 73% to 57%, Trump steady at 52%,...