The House Ethics Committee released updates on their investigations into four lawmakers on Thursday, including a high-profile freshman Democratic lawmaker and a Republican lawmaker who they revealed is under investigation by the Department of Justice. CNN's Clare Foran contributed to this report.Source: House Ethics Committee...

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., who is accused of improperly using political campaign funds to reimburse her alleged lover for travel expenses, doesn’t need to worry for now about a complaint filed against her with the Federal Election Commission.Source: Hans von Spakovsky: Ilhan Omar protected –...

Bradley Smith is chairman of the Institute for Free Speech, a former Republican chairman of the Federal Election Commission, and a visiting fellow in the James Madison Program at Princeton University.Source: Is attempting to sway Susan Collins’s vote breaking the law? It’s hard to tell....

Tonight Mark Levin cut through all of the Cohen guilty plea propaganda and explained why, from a legal perspective, Cohen’s guilty plea will have no impact on Trump and why the charges against Cohen regarding the ‘hush money’ payoffs aren’t really FEC violations.Source: Mark Levin...