Federal officials have recently held private briefings for election workers and members of Congress, warning of potential foreign interference in the upcoming October election. Russia continues to actively support former President Donald J. Trump, while Iran seeks to prevent his return to office. China's stance remains unclear, but it is engaged in local influence operations. In addition to the usual disinformation...

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has concluded a case concerning AI-generated robocalls by assessing a $6 million fine. According to the FCC, these robocalls used artificial intelligence (AI) to impersonate then-candidate Joe Biden in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election. The calls reportedly urged recipients to vote for Biden. The FCC's investigation determined that the robocalls violated the Telephone Consumer Protection...

When Kamala Harris entered the national stage as vice president, she did so with a political career shaped by her tenure as California’s attorney general and a history as a prosecutor. Many hailed her legal background as evidence of her competence to uphold the Constitution, but a closer examination of her record reveals serious concerns about her respect for fundamental...

The U.S. Congress is considering new rules to address the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in elections. The proposed rules would require campaigns and political parties to disclose when they use AI to target voters or spread messages online. The rules would also ban the use of deepfakes, AI-generated videos that can be used to spread misinformation or impersonate candidates. Supporters of the...

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has released a cybersecurity checklist for state and local election administrators. CISA's guidance comes at a critical time when administrators bolster their cyber and physical security measures against an array of digital threats. Cait Conley, CISA’s senior adviser to the director, emphasizes the urgency: "Election officials around the country are unwavering in their commitment...

Secretary of State Adrian Fontes is seeking guidance on a pivotal issue: enforcing a key portion of Arizona's voter registration law that the Supreme Court has recently allowed to swing into action, even as the law's overall constitutionality continues to be assessed. The Supreme Court's decision last month took a major step, pushing for the reinforcement of a 2022 law that...

Understanding the will of the people is crucial for any functioning democracy. For those in positions of power—be it government officials, journalists, or policy advocates—grasping the true policy preferences of their constituents has, until now, been a monumental task. Enter "TrueViews," a cutting-edge freeware data tool from Harvard experts, which promises to revolutionize how we analyze and interpret public opinion...

Trump and the RNC are preparing to send an unprecedented number of observers—over 100,000 attorneys and volunteers—to battleground states this November. Their goal is to monitor and, if necessary, challenge the vote-counting process.  Trump has stressed the importance of having the right officials "to count the ballots," which he views as crucial as voter turnout. The plan is to have...

‍ In a significant development for the upcoming Indiana primary election, the bipartisan Indiana Election Commission has unanimously voted to remove John Rust, a Republican U.S. Senate candidate, from the primary ballot. The Indiana Supreme Court further supported the decision, which ruled against Rust in a separate legal challenge. This is a fascinating ballot access issue and one I will be watching...

In the world of election administration, February has been a month bustling with activity and progress. On January 31st, the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) released their FY 2023 Annual Report, providing a comprehensive overview of efforts to streamline federal elections. The EAC has been proactive, distributing $75 million to enhance election administration and further expanding its capacity. They have established...