There are two competing theories about how American elections fail to accurately capture the sentiment of the electorate. One theory, propagated by President Trump, holds that rampant voter fraud is committed by people unable to vote, swaying elections unfairly.Source: Americans see voter suppression as a...

The Texas senator’s re-election campaign sent voters in at least three counties a letter with a label suggesting it was a legal summons. The Federal Election Commission says doing so doesn’t break any rules.Source: Ted Cruz’s Campaign Marked a Fund-Raising Letter an Official ‘Summons.’ It...

Bradley Smith is chairman of the Institute for Free Speech, a former Republican chairman of the Federal Election Commission, and a visiting fellow in the James Madison Program at Princeton University.Source: Is attempting to sway Susan Collins’s vote breaking the law? It’s hard to tell....

Late last week, the FEC unanimously (!) approved an advisory opinion allowing Microsoft to “offer a package of enhanced online account security services at no additional charge on a nonpartisan basis to its election-sensitive customers, including federal candidates and national party committees.Source: FEC Approves Microsoft...