Donald Trump Jr. has come back swinging after news broke on Sunday that he, along with President Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner and the president’s then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort, met with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. On Monday Trump Jr.Source: Trump Jr. may have violated campaign laws, say legal experts...

The Trump campaign in 2016 was signaling to Russia that it would be happy to have the Putin regime’s help.  President Trump, as a candidate, famously called for Russia’s assistance. Later, when pressed, he repeatedly refused to clearly acknowledge its interference or condemn it.Source: Open Door to Moscow? New Facts in the Potential Criminal Case of Trump Campaign Coordination with...

The eyes of the world will be on Hopkinsville next month when a total solar eclipse brings tens of thousands of people to the small city. The eyes of the world will be on Hopkinsville next month when a total solar eclipse brings tens of thousands of people to the small city.Source: Secretaries of State pass resolution supporting state rights...

Donald Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer in June 2016 with the express purpose of getting information the Russian government had supposedly acquired on Hillary Clinton, according to a New York Times report published on Monday night. Trump Jr.Source: Legal experts say Donald Trump Jr has just confessed to a federal crime...