Oral Argument Transcript for Gill v. Whitford
Critical issues including gerrymandering and voter purging will be front and center, alongside Trump’s travel ban and a much-discussed gay wedding cake 02.00 EDT Last modified on Sunday 1 October 2017 02.Source: US supreme court: this season's cases and why they matter...
The U.S. Supreme Court is slated to tackle one of the most divisive issues in election law: partisan gerrymandering.Source: Gerrymandering has got to go. Here’s how....
On Tuesday, October 3, the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in one of the most important cases of the term, Gill v. Whitford. The primary issue in Gill is whether partisan gerrymandering can be challenged in court at all and, if so, when is such gerrymandering unconstitutional.Source: Gerrymandering the Constitution: More than statehouse politics at risk...
SAN FRANCISCO — Google has become the latest Silicon Valley giant to become entangled in a widening investigation into how online social networks and technology products may have played a role in Russian interference in the 2016 election.Source: Google Prepares to Brief Congress on Its Role in Election...
On Tuesday the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in a major new case about partisan gerrymandering. The case began just days after the Nov. 8 election, when a federal court struck down a Republican-drawn legislative map in Wisconsin for being too partisan.Source: Everything you need to know about the Supreme Court’s big gerrymandering case...
WASHINGTON — The sweeping tax rewrite unveiled by President Trump and Republican lawmakers this past week leaves many of the details to Congress, but two sentences in the nine-page framework have Washington lobbyists salivating over a payday that some industry experts predict could top $1 billion.Source: How Two Sentences in Tax Plan May Help Unleash $1 Billion in Lobbying...
(CNN) The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) is crafting a new advisory on legal defense funds for the first time in 24 years, according to an official with knowledge of the plan.Source: Exclusive: OGE crafting a new advisory on legal defense funds...
Sam Bagenstos, in a fine amicus brief for former DOJ officials, makes a very strong textualist argument (along with other arguments) that Ohio’s voter purge process violates the plain meaning of the NVRA and HAVA.Source: Is Justice Gorsuch in Play in Ohio Voter Purge Case?...
What a difference a week makes. On May 19, President Donald Trump took off in Air Force One for the Middle East and Europe.Source: Trump Acts Like a Competent, Conventional President Abroad, by Michael Barone...