By signing up you agree to receive email newsletters or alerts from POLITICO. You can unsubscribe at any time. Chief of staff John Kelly is forced to publicly insist he's remaining in his job.Source: POLITICO...
By signing up you agree to receive email newsletters or alerts from POLITICO. You can unsubscribe at any time. Chief of staff John Kelly is forced to publicly insist he's remaining in his job.Source: POLITICO...
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is pledging to refuse contributions from corporate PACs — a move that puts her in a small group of national Democrats and sets a new bar on the issue of campaign finance for other potential presidential candidates in 2020.Source: Kirsten Gillibrand Pledges To Stop Accepting Donations From Corporate PACs...
Washington Examiner</i> in 2012 after penning U.S. News & World Report's premiere political column, "Washington Whispers," for more than a decade. In addition to his Washington Secrets column, check out his signature feature, "Mainstream Media Scream.Source: FEC commissioner who blocked regulation of Drudge, Internet, steps down...
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Seattle’s election authority said on Monday that Facebook Inc is in violation of a city law that requires disclosure of who buys election ads, the first attempt of its kind to regulate U.S. political ads on the internet.Source: Seattle finds Facebook in violation of city campaign finance law...
At the end of 2013, Stephen A. Warner went before Florida’s Executive Clemency Board to request the restoration of his voting rights. Gov. Rick Scott, who presides over the board, promptly pointed out that Warner had been convicted of felony voter fraud in 2010.Source: Citizens United Unleashed...
If anyone knows how easily voting can be disrupted, it's a county election supervisor in the state of Florida. That's one reason several dozen of them gathered in Orlando recently to discuss ways to protect against the most recent threat — cyberattacks by Russia or others intent on disrupting U.S.Source: Cybertraining Election Officials For This Year's Voting...
Even as federal prosecutors this week played out their pay-to-play case against Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski, prosecutors just across the river in New Jersey withdrew a political corruption case against U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J.Source: Robert Menendez and Ed Pawlowski: a tale of two political corruption cases...
Raleigh, N.C. — Eyes went wide and lawyers cringed Thursday afternoon when Lt. Gov. Dan Forest's campaign took credit for a $1 million donation to a super-PAC that supported him in the last election.Source: Forest super-PAC brag notable as campaigns file financial records...
On a quiet, tree-lined street in Racine, Wisconsin, in a neighborhood known as the Danish Village for its Scandinavian ancestry, sits a two-story white house with a large American flag hanging from the porch and a pro-police "We Back the Badge" sign in the yard.Source: How the GOP Rigs Elections...
In August 2016, federal law enforcement and intelligence officials were alerted to an unsettling possibility: then-candidate Trump’s personal indiscretions might leave him susceptible to the threat of Russian blackmail.Source: The Coming Storm? Hush Money and the Federal Election Campaign Act (Harvard Law Review)...