Zuckerberg says Facebook will turn over Russian ad information and work to protect election integrity

Facebook announced yesterday that it has agreed to disclose ads to Congress that were purchase by Russians in an attempt to influence the 2016 elections. CEO Mark Zuckerberg made the announcement via a Facebook Live video: 

However, Facebook’s promises of increased efforts in election integrity and cooperation on Russian ads didn’t stop Democratic senators from wanting to increase campaign finance regulation online.

Hours later, POLITICO obtained a letter from Warner and Sen. Amy Klobuchar seeking co-sponsors on proposed legislation that would require Facebook, Google and other digital platforms to disclose more information about political advertisements and the buyers behind them.
The two Democrats are writing legislation that would require web platforms with more than one million users to publicly disclose the names of individuals and organizations that spend more than $10,000 on election-related advertisements.

Source: Facebook’s cooperation on Russian ads doesn’t stop Democrats’ demands. 

Democrats are urging the Federal Election Commission to consider new guidance to prevent foreign entities from buying political ads targeting U.S. election, in the wake of the report that Russians purchased $100,000 in ads during the 2016 presidential election.
Twenty Democratic House and Senate members, in a Tuesday letter to FEC Chairman Steven Walther, asked him to take “immediate” steps to understand how foreigners use social media advertising and determine how to better prevent them from “illicitly spending” in future elections. 

Source: Democrats urge FEC to reconsider rules for foreign election advertising. 

See also:
Facebook will hand over 3,000 Russia-linked ads to Congress
Zuckerberg says Facebook will work to protect election integrity
Facebook to Turn over Russian-linked ads to Congress

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