The important money in politics questions to ask Judge Gorsuch

Does Judge Gorsuch believe restrictions on corporate campaign contributions prevent corruption or the appearance of corruption?Corporations have been barred from using funds from their general treasuries to make campaign contributions to candidates and party committees in federal elections since 1907, and the law has been repeatedly upheld by the Supreme Court. If Judge Gorsuch believes in dismantling the corporate contribution ban, it would open the floodgates to corporate and union domination over political discourse.
It would also suggest that Judge Gorsuch is out of touch with supporters of President Trump who believed the heart of Trump’s “drain the swamp” message. We must work to ensure our democracy is one where all citizens can participate, not just the elites. As many as 80 percent of voters believe the federal government — and the entire U.S. political system — is out of touch with the average citizens it is designed to represent.

Source: The important money in politics questions to ask Judge Gorsuch

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