Election Day 2015 had a little bit of everything

“There was no line at the polling place. The line was almost out the door at Starbucks.” — an email from a Kentucky voter to her daughter.
There was snow, there was rain, there were blue skies and warm temperatures.
Poll workers overslept, stole voting equipment and didn’t know how to use new technology.
Voting machines malfunctioned and ballot-counting machines chugged along. There were new voting systems that worked flawlessly and there were those that didn’t.
Turnout out was historically low and turnout was relatively high.
Oh and there were rats.
Although ballots are still being counted and recounted and canvassed, Election Day 2015 is now in the books and while it may seem like a there were a litany of problems, by and large things went relatively smoothly, with, as always, isolated pockets of problems on Tuesday.
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