Deadlock: Liberal FEC Commissioners Say They’re Failing to Investigate Campaign Violations

“The cases where we’ve had disagreements are based on a disagreement over what the law requires and prohibits, and there have been a number of court cases which have redefined the landscape in many significant ways,” Petersen said. He did not deny voting as a bloc but disagreed the FEC was letting potential violators off the hook. “There’s no signaling so to speak to say you’re free and clear to do whatever you want because we’re just not going to enforce,” Petersen said. “The cases where we’ve had disagreements are based on a disagreement over what the law requires and prohibits.”

“People know that they can stretch the law and pretty much violate the law and there will be no enforcement,” FEC Commissioner Ann Ravel said in an interview with the I-Team.

NBC Bay Area along with WRC reviewed 1,893 FEC complaint cases dating back to 2000. The team’s analysis found that complaint cases stalled for an average 440 days before the commission decide whether or not to take action.

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