A Bay Area assemblyman will revise his bill requiring that mail ballots be sent to every California voter this fall after concerns arose that the current version could cause more problems than it would solve.Source: California lawmaker scrambles to fix bill to make it clear ballots won’t go to phantom voters...

A surviving renmant of the McCain-Feingold Law sharply restricts the ability of individuals to donate funds to political parties. However, recently Michael Bloomberg gave millions of dollars to the Democratic Party, money taken from his presidential campaign account.Source: Shaun McCutcheon, Wealthy Campaign Finance Activist, Asks FEC Whether He Can Donate $50,000 from his Campaign Account to Libertarian Party...

You can read the court’s opinion by Judge Jerry Smith, along with separate concurrences by Judge Ho and Costa at this link.Source: Breaking: 5th Circuit Stays Lower Court Order on Challenge to Texas Absentee Voting Rules During a Pandemic, Creating Some Bad Law Along the Way...