To subscribe to the monthly C&E email newsletter and event announcements click here. As lawmakers across the country move to regulate online advertising at the state level, strategists are increasingly concerned about the impact such laws will have on digital advertising campaigns.Source: As States Move to Regulate Digital Ads, Consultants Warn of Unintended Consequences...

Once upon a time, there was a fringe news outlet with a loud and dissenting opinion. A fatal shooting, it claimed, was not at all what it seemed to be: It was a hoax, orchestrated by some shadowy force—probably Communists—bent on replacing freedom with dictatorship.Source: Win or Lose, the Alex Jones Lawsuit Will Redefine Free Speech...

Over just two weeks in September, a limited-liability company calling itself “News for Democracy” spent almost $400,000 on more than 16 million impressions for a network of 14 Facebook pages that hadn’t existed until August.Source: The Secretive Organization Quietly Spending Millions on Facebook Political Ads...

The Supreme Court will settle a dispute over a video that aired on a New York City public access television channel that could have ramifications for social media and public radio stations. On Friday, the Justices said they would accept Manhattan Community Access Corp. v.Source: Supreme Court takes public access TV case with bigger implications...

Facebook has announced in a briefing call its plans to push users for voter registration ahead of the US and Brazil elections. The company has partnered with TurboVote, the National Democratic Institute and the International Republican Institute to monitor election meddling.Source: Facebook pushes voter registration drive, inks deals to monitor elections...