DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Democrats in the early presidential contest states of Iowa and Nevada will be able to cast their votes over the telephone instead of showing up at their states’ traditional neighborhood caucus meetings next February, according to plans unveiled by the state parties.Source: Iowa, Nevada to launch caucus voting by phone for 2020...

Last year, West Virginia did something no other U.S. state had done in a federal election before: It allowed overseas voters the option to cast absentee ballots for the midterm election via a blockchain-enabled mobile app.Source: What Really Happened With West Virginia’s Blockchain Voting Experiment?...

It’s the president’s favorite way to talk to the American people and the word: Twitter. He’s got more than 60-million followers, but a court has ruled he can’t block followers just because he doesn’t agree with what they say. The 2nd U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan upheld a lower court judge who said Trump violates the Constitution...

To subscribe to the monthly C&E email newsletter and event announcements click here. As lawmakers across the country move to regulate online advertising at the state level, strategists are increasingly concerned about the impact such laws will have on digital advertising campaigns.Source: As States Move to Regulate Digital Ads, Consultants Warn of Unintended Consequences...