Twitter has banned political ads, Facebook hasn't — who's in the right? There are powerful arguments on both sides, but the one thing they all have in common is the desire to strike some sort of balance between freedom of political speech and attempting to quell the flow of false information.Source: Silicon Valley congressman: Regulate political ads on Facebook just...

Days after Mark Zuckerberg planted his flag in favor of free speech by announcing that Facebook wouldn’t censor political advertising, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, apparently bowing to pressure from his platform’s largely liberal user base, announced a contrary policy: Twitter will no longer acceptSource: Twitter’s Banning of Political Ads Demonstrates Confusion About Free Speech....

On October 23, the California Secretary of State said that a proposed initiative is now free to start circulating. It would provide that all state and local initiative, referendum, and recall petitions would be on-line at the Secretary of State’s web page.Source: Proposed California Initiative, Providing for On-Line Petitioning, Begins to Circulate...

A BuzzFeed News examination found that in the first half of October, the social network has canned more than 160 ads from Biden, Warren, Sanders, Steyer, and Trump for breaking rules around profanity and fake buttons.Source: Facebook Said Politicians Can Lie In Ads. It's Taking Down Ads From Warren, Biden, And Trump For Other Reasons....

Making a political donation to a presidential campaign is about to get as easy as — well, saying it out loud. Alexa users can make donations of at least $5 and up to $200 to campaigns, and the feature is currently limited to presidential campaigns. Campaigns can sign up starting Thursday.Source: ‘Alexa, I want to make a political contribution.’ Amazon...