Days after Mark Zuckerberg planted his flag in favor of free speech by announcing that Facebook wouldn’t censor political advertising, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, apparently bowing to pressure from his platform’s largely liberal user base, announced a contrary policy: Twitter will no longer accept Source: Free Speech Means Free Speech...

Twitter's searchable online ads database is filled with confusing labels on accounts maintained by political campaigns, making it difficult for the public to assess whether the social network is enforcing its ban on political advertising.Source: Twitter flags Trump, Biden, Warren campaigns, citing ad-policy violations...

President Donald Trump's reelection campaign and the GOP's top political arms are accusing Google of suppressing voter turnout in the 2020 election after the search giant announced it will no longer let campaigns and elected officials target highly specific groups of users with political advertisemeSource: Trump campaign, Republicans blast Google for political advertising changes...

Google’s move to curb abuses in online political advertising has sparked a debate about one of ad land’s most-effective targeting tools, known as “customer match,” where marketers serve messages directly to voters based on their email contacts.Source: Google takes a match to political ad targeting, now Facebook feels the heat too...

Twitter has banned political ads, Facebook hasn't — who's in the right? There are powerful arguments on both sides, but the one thing they all have in common is the desire to strike some sort of balance between freedom of political speech and attempting to quell the flow of false information.Source: Silicon Valley congressman: Regulate political ads on Facebook just...

Days after Mark Zuckerberg planted his flag in favor of free speech by announcing that Facebook wouldn’t censor political advertising, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, apparently bowing to pressure from his platform’s largely liberal user base, announced a contrary policy: Twitter will no longer acceptSource: Twitter’s Banning of Political Ads Demonstrates Confusion About Free Speech....