If you work for the federal government, your Twitter or Facebook profile can show a photo of you hugging Ben Carson or Hillary Clinton. But you can’t share, tweet, ”like,” friend, follow, comment on or retweet anything your candidate says or does when you’re on the clock.Source: “No tweeting what you actually think about Clinton or Carson if you’re on the clock: new limits...

A deadlock by the U.S. Federal Election Commission (FEC) on Public Citizen’s request that the agency close a loophole of its own making that allows federal contractors to make campaign contributions through subsidiaries means the loophole remains. The 3-3 vote came Tuesday evening.Source: “FEC Refuses to Close the ‘Chevron’ Loophole in the Ban Against Campaign Contributions From Government Contractors”...

↓ Post navigation ← “2016’s ‘Missing Voters’ Can Be Found with Automatic Voter Registration” “How the Timing of Elections Shapes Turnout, Election Outcomes, and Public Policy” → An extensive 17-page concurring statement, which begins:             On JulySource: Interesting Statement from FEC Commissioner Goodman on Role of Press in Presidential Debates...

After serving eight terms in Con­gress, Tom Cole­man got used to ask­ing people to vote for him. This Elec­tion Day, though, Cole­man camped out in front of a Vir­gin­ia pre­cinct ask­ing for sig­na­tures on be­half of an­oth­er can­did­ate.Source: Presidential Campaigns Use Virginia Elections as Opportunity to Qualify for 2016 Primary...