What’s the Matter With Polling?
OVER the past two years, election polling has had some spectacular disasters.Source: What’s the Matter With Polling?...
OVER the past two years, election polling has had some spectacular disasters.Source: What’s the Matter With Polling?...
130 Lawmakers Call on President to Require Transparency in Political Spending Members of House and Senate Send Letters to White House Asking for an Executive Order Requiring Federal Contractors to Disclose Their Political Spending WASHINGTON, D.C.Source: Public Citizen Press Room...
Now available on CFI’s website are updated versions of tables covering historical statistics on campaign finance through 2014. These cover activity for full federal election cycles, in some cases dating back to 1974.Source: “CFI Announces Updated Historical Campaign Finance Statistics through 2014″...
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-Huntington Beach) today accused his former campaign treasurer, Jack Wu, of embezzling more than $170,000 in campaign funds from the congressman's campaign committee.Source: Campaign Treasurer for Rep. Dana Rohrabacher Accused of Embezzlement...
Bottled water, immigration, condoms, hospital fees, plastic bags, statehood, alimony – those are just a smattering of the issues on or trying to get on California’s 2016 statewide ballot.Source: 2016 ballot a fight over everything...
A core problem in American politics is ideological polarization, which makes compromise impossible, not only in Congress but also in the states. Polarization has many causes, most of which can’t be altered.Source: Can unlimited contributions to political parties really reduce polarization?...
The nation’s top political watchdog is so thoroughly mired in a toxic partisan gridlock that the members themselves can barely contain their disdain for each other.Source: Why the FEC’s Deadlock Won’t Change Any Time Soon...
"A sense of dread" is how the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette prefaced the 2016 presidential campaign. Not only for flawed candidates, but because of their reliance on super political-action committees. Not everyone agrees.Source: Super PACs: Gobbling Up Democracy?...
-- NOTES: 1. FHQ will not dive too far into all of this now. This is, along with the 2012 post, should serve as a baseline to which the 2016 rules as they come more into focus can be compared. 2.Source: 2008 Republican Delegate Allocation Rules by State...
House Republican leaders are turning to the youngest woman ever elected to Congress, Rep. Elise Stefanik, to help them try to appeal to millennials in the 2016 elections.Source: The GOP finds its millennial star...