The Supreme Court’s recent ruling in Rucho v. Common Causepresents competing judicial conceptions of American voters. Justice Kagan’s dissent encourages courts to employ an “evidence-based, data-based, statistics-based” approach when considering political gerrymandering claims.Source: Michael Morley: Rucho, Legal Fictions, and the Judicial Models of Voters...

Justin Riemer is Chief Counsel of the Republican National Committee, which filed an amicus brief in support of the state in Rucho v. Common Cause. The Supreme Court’s decision in Rucho v. Common Cause is a triumph of judicial prudence.Source: Gerrymandering symposium: Finally finality from...

At oral arguments in yesterday’s partisan gerrymandering cases, several Justices raised questions about whether partisan-gerrymandering challenges implicitly appeal in one way or another to a baseline of proportional representation (PR).Source: Proportionality is Not the Baseline In Modern Partisan Gerrymandering Cases...