WASHINGTON — In upstate New York, Travis Trudell got an alert on his phone Wednesday morning telling him the impeachment hearings had started. He turned on Disney Plus instead. In Wisconsin, Jerre Corrigan never considered watching. She spent the day giving a math lesson to third graders.Source: ‘No One Believes Anything’: Voters Worn Out by a Fog of Political News...

Twitter has banned political ads, Facebook hasn't — who's in the right? There are powerful arguments on both sides, but the one thing they all have in common is the desire to strike some sort of balance between freedom of political speech and attempting to quell the flow of false information.Source: Silicon Valley congressman: Regulate political ads on Facebook just...

(Alfred Gescheidt/Getty Images) Former “dark money” giant Americans for Job Security has walked out from the shadows, disclosing its donors last week following years of complaints and lawsuits filed by ethics watchdogs.Source: GOP heavy hitters, Trump cabinet members revealed as donors to anti-Obama ‘dark money’ group...