New York, N.Y. – The Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity relies on a database produced by the Heritage Foundation to justify baseless claims — by President Trump and some of the panel’s members — of rampant voter fraud.Source: Analysis: Heritage Foundation's Database Undermines Claims of Recent Voter Fraud...

Online attackers may be able to purchase - for as little as a few thousand dollars - enough personal information to potentially alter voter registration information in as many as 35 states and the District of Columbia, according to a new Harvard study.Source: Voting vulnerability: Study points to potential fraud in online voting registration systems...

The calls started flooding in from hundreds of irate North Carolina voters just after 7 a.m. on Election Day last November. Dozens were told they were ineligible to vote and were turned away at the polls, even when they displayed current registration cards.Source: Russian Election Hacking Efforts, Wider Than Previously Known, Draw Little Scrutiny...

The Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, as part of its mission to serve the American people, is inviting public comment throughout the period of its work and particularly before the next meeting: [T]he EIC is seeking to improve the public’s confidence in the process and outcomeSource: President’s Election Integrity Commission Seeking Public Comments...

New York, NY – The Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law and Protect Democracy filed a lawsuit today in federal court in New York to compel the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Office of Management and Budget to disclose information to which the publicSource: Brennan Center and Protect Democracy File Suit to...

Elections: American democracy has a problem — a voting problem. According to a new study of U.S. Census data, America has more registered voters than actual live voters. It's a troubling fact that puts our nation's future in peril. The data come from Judicial Watch's Election Integrity Project.Source: U.S. Has 3.5 Million More Registered Voters Than Live Adults — A...

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear Husted v Ohio A. Philip Randolph Institute, 16-980, later this year, or possibly early next year. All the briefs should be completely filed by September 15, 2017, and then the Court will set a hearing date.Source: Status of U.S. Supreme Court Consideration of Whether Ohio is Purging Voters Too Frequently...