WASHINGTON — When allies of former President Barack Obama set up a super PAC to support his 2012 re-election, the White House disowned the group, The New York Times published a scathing editorial and former Democratic Sen.Source: Democrats used to rail against 'dark money.' Now they're better at it than the GOP....

Dark money could be trending toward a record low this election cycle. It’s a development the media has been suspiciously silent on. "Dark money” is a pejorative label for campaign spending by groups that are not political committees.Source: The 2020 election could see record lows for 'dark money' influence...

SIOUX CITY, Iowa — To describe what he would do as president in 2021, Steve Bullock harks back to the Gilded Age of the late 1800s, when the wealthy copper mining barons of Montana wielded political influence across the state.Source: For Democratic presidential hopeful Steve Bullock, it’s all about the ‘dark money’...

In a time of deafening media noise, momentous revelations slip through unnoticed, none more explosive than a recent report under the venerable Atlantic Council's auspices. The subject concerns foreign dark money insidiously influencing our elections. And it's a rock-hard stick of dynamite.Source: The Latest Bombshell: How Dark Money From Hostile States Has Entered Our Elections...

Senator Elizabeth Warren on Monday escalated her presidential campaign’s battle against big money in politics, announcing that her bid for the Democratic nomination will forgo traditional fund-raising methods meant to cultivate a candidate’s relationships with the wealthy.Source: Elizabeth Warren to Forgo Receptions and Fund-Raisers With Big Donors...