Earlier this week, PBS aired the documentary, Dark Money. The film is directed and produced by , previously known for her autobiographical documentary, Prodigal Sons. Reed’s newest film again points the camera at her home state of Montana.Source: “Dark Money” Documentary Warns Viewers of the Dangers of Postcards...

Advocacy groups pouring money into independent campaigns to impact this fall’s midterm races must disclose many of their political donors beginning this week after the Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to intervene in a long-running case.Source: Political nonprofits must now name many of their donors under federal court ruling after Supreme Court declines to intervene...

The Texas senator’s re-election campaign sent voters in at least three counties a letter with a label suggesting it was a legal summons. The Federal Election Commission says doing so doesn’t break any rules.Source: Ted Cruz’s Campaign Marked a Fund-Raising Letter an Official ‘Summons.’ It Wasn’t Against the Rules....