Only three 2016 presidential candidates have so far benefited from fundraising efforts by lobbyist bundlers this election cycle: Democrat Hillary Clinton, who raised $2 million from 40 lobbyists; Republican Jeb Bush, who raised $228,400 from eight lobbyists; and Republican Marco Rubio, who raiSource: A look at K Street fundraisers for Clinton, Bush and Rubio – and what Big Law is earning from...

WASHINGTON – The Federal Election Commission today approved two advisory opinions and held over discussion of a third. The Commission approved two Notices of Availability on Petitions for Rulemaking, and it decided not to initiate another rulemaking that a petitioner had requested.Source: News Releases...

Facebook's strategy is simple, in the same way that ancient Rome's was: Take over the world and run it the way you see fit. The only difference is that Facebook has been more successful. It's impossible to talk about modern media -- and, therefore, modern politics -- without talking about Facebook.Source: Your obligatory and regular reminder that 2016 will be...

Last year, a bipartisan commission established by President Obama declared that the U.S. faces an “impending crisis in voting technology.” After the 2000 Florida recount showed the world that the American presidency could be determined by hanging chads, Congress set aside $3.Source: “In Los Angeles, Voting Is Getting the Silicon Valley Treatment”...

Approaching a recent campaign fundraising deadline, Ventura County Rep. Julia Brownley adopted increasing apocalyptic language to drum up donations. “huge embarrassment” and “we. fell. short” were among the subject lines of her campaign emails. Up against the clock, she blasted a 5:08 a.m.Source: Subject: Please, please read our story about fundraising emails...