February 18, 2020 at 3:15 PM ESTA campaign-finance watchdog group has filed a complaint alleging the presidential campaign of Pete Buttigieg improperly coordinated with VoteVets, a super PAC supporting the campaign of the former mayor of South Bend, Ind.Source: Buttigieg and his super PAC improperly coordinated on Nevada ads, watchdog group says...

On February 13, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed SB 207, which takes effect immediately. It lets voters change their party on election day, or at any time during the two weeks before a primary or an election. They already had the ability to change if the change was made earlier than that.Source: California Governor Signs Bill Letting Voters Change Party...

By , Melissa Gomez LAS VEGAS — Lisa Rosario describes herself as a political junkie. But she still hasn’t decided who she will support in the Democratic presidential contest.“It’s gut-wrenching because this to me is one of the most important votes that we’ve had in my generation.Source: ‘A huge vote, especially for Latinos’: Democrats court diverse voters in Nevada...

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Facebook decided Friday to allow a type of paid political message that had sidestepped many of the social network’s rules governing political ads, in a reversal that highlights difficulties tech companies and regulators have in keeping up with the changing nature of paid polSource: Facebook reverses on paid political messages that aren’t ads...