The 2020 election is going to be unlike any other. It was already going to be a heated campaign, and that was before the pandemic — and before the killing of George Floyd and so many others forced us yet again to confront the painful reality of systemic racism in America.Source: Mark Zuckerberg: Historic Facebook campaign will boost voter registration, turnout...

LOS ANGELES – June 15, 2020. Redistricting advocates urged the California Supreme Court to step in and preserve the state’s independent redistricting process which creates new voting districts for the next decade.Source: As COVID-19 Delays Census, Fmr Gov Schwarzenegger, Common Cause and League of Women Voters CA Urge Extending Redistricting Deadlines...

Lansing — Some households have received unexpected mailings for deceased voters or since-moved occupants as part of a mass mailing of absentee ballot applications across Michigan — a development that experts and Democrats are defending against Republican criticism.Source: Michigan ballot application mailings to dead people raise Republican hackles...

New claims that Georgia’s election technology may have failed to count thousands of legitimate votes sent in by mail is adding fuel to Democrats’ outrage over a disastrous primary they say disenfranchised many African American voters.Source: The Cybersecurity 202: Reports of mail-in ballot problems, partisan rancor in Georgia primary spell trouble for November...