Americans overwhelmingly support various safety measures at polling places for the November 2020 election.Source: Bring the Masks and Sanitizer: The Surprising Bipartisan Consensus About Safety Measures for In-Person Voting During the Coronavirus Pandemic...

WASHINGTON — When allies of former President Barack Obama set up a super PAC to support his 2012 re-election, the White House disowned the group, The New York Times published a scathing editorial and former Democratic Sen.Source: Democrats used to rail against 'dark money.' Now they're better at it than the GOP....

If you saw a new popup message when you opened Facebook recently, don’t worry: It’s not a hoax. In a bid to make up for, eh, letting the Russians run rampant on its platform before the last presidential election, Facebook has launched a poll worker recruitment drive this weekend.Source: No, You’re Not Seeing Things. Facebook Has Launched a Poll Worker...

Topline Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington filed a complaint against Postmaster General Louis DeJoy Friday with the Federal Elections Commission, as calls grow for the controversial Postal Service chief to face consequences for allegedly reimbursing employees who made donations toSource: Watchdog Files FEC Complaint Against Louis DeJoy As Outrage Over Alleged Campaign Finance Violations Grows...