Last year, a bipartisan commission established by President Obama declared that the U.S. faces an “impending crisis in voting technology.” After the 2000 Florida recount showed the world that the American presidency could be determined by hanging chads, Congress set aside $3.Source: “In Los Angeles, Voting Is Getting the Silicon Valley Treatment”...

Approaching a recent campaign fundraising deadline, Ventura County Rep. Julia Brownley adopted increasing apocalyptic language to drum up donations. “huge embarrassment” and “we. fell. short” were among the subject lines of her campaign emails. Up against the clock, she blasted a 5:08 a.m.Source: Subject: Please, please read our story about fundraising emails...

Working against a deadline, the Washington state legislature finished up not only a (third) 2015 special session, but completed work on a 2015-17 budget during the last week in June as well. This work had some impact on the 2016 presidential primary in the Evergreen state.Source: Washington State Will Have a 2016 Presidential Primary, but Caucuses, too...

Three rich Texas donors helped a group of super PACs backing former Texas governor Rick Perry's presidential bid raise nearly $17 million, underscoring the outsize role that wealthy individuals are having in the 2016 race. Meanwhile, two groups supporting Ohio Gov.Source: Rick Perry’s $6 million man: Rich donors pour massive sums into 2016 super PACs...

On July 13, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker formally declared his candidacy for the Republican Party presidential nomination. That makes 17 candidates with the qualifications to be recognized by the Republican National Committee as bona fide candidates. Pollsters include all 17.Source: Republican Presidential Primary Ballots in 2016 Will be Most Crowded in History...