Only three 2016 presidential candidates have so far benefited from fundraising efforts by lobbyist bundlers this election cycle: Democrat Hillary Clinton, who raised $2 million from 40 lobbyists; Republican Jeb Bush, who raised $228,400 from eight lobbyists; and Republican Marco Rubio, who raiSource: A look at K Street fundraisers for Clinton, Bush and Rubio – and what Big Law is earning from...

WASHINGTON – The Federal Election Commission today approved two advisory opinions and held over discussion of a third. The Commission approved two Notices of Availability on Petitions for Rulemaking, and it decided not to initiate another rulemaking that a petitioner had requested.Source: News Releases...

Facebook's strategy is simple, in the same way that ancient Rome's was: Take over the world and run it the way you see fit. The only difference is that Facebook has been more successful. It's impossible to talk about modern media -- and, therefore, modern politics -- without talking about Facebook.Source: Your obligatory and regular reminder that 2016 will be...