FEC: Van Hollen - LitigationToday the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit issued an opinion, judgment and order in Van Hollen v. FEC (15-5016 & 15-5017). The Court reversed the November 2014 decision of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia and upheld the Commission’s regulation at 11 C.F.R. § 104.20(c)(9) requiring corporations...

Beyond ‘Citizens United’: How the Supreme Court Empowered the Very Wealthiest in Elections | Brennan Center for JusticeAlready, undisclosed spending in the 2016 cycle is outpacing all prior elections. Though the Court often speaks positively about the importance of disclosure, their decisions allowing for unlimited independent spending laid the groundwork for unlimited secret spending.6 years later, the impact of Citizens United still looms...

Obama considers campaign finance executive orderMoney-in-politics reformers are seizing on reports that President Obama is weighing the possibility of issuing an executive order to force companies doing business with the federal government to reveal their political spending.   If Obama issues this order, as The New York Times suggests is likely, it would be a rare offering from a president who came...

Ted Cruz has spent years honing his debate strategy, in which he always tries to maintain a strong sense of control, no matter the question. | Getty Wolf Blitzer didn’t think Ted Cruz had sufficiently answered his question. Neither did Hugh Hewitt. Or Maria Bartiromo.Source: How Ted Cruz wins debates...

As America heads into another presidential election year in the midst of pitched battles over the right to vote, the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law today released a six-part agenda to secure our elections from misconduct while maintaining fair access to the ballot.Source: New Paper: How to Protect Election Integrity Without Disenfranchising Voters...