Stanford political scientist Morris Fiorina says the current party nominee process system puts a premium on campaign skills and fund-raising, not a demonstrated capacity to govern. A brokered convention would give the party a chance to consider alternative candidates.Source: Stanford expert says brokered Republican convention could be 'gigantic mess,' but not a bad idea...

PARK CITY, Utah — The presentation is an 11th-hour rebuttal to the fatalism permeating the Republican establishment: Slide by slide, state by state, it calculates how Donald Trump could be denied the presidential nomination. Marco Rubio wins Florida. John Kasich wins Ohio.Source: Seeing Trump as vulnerable, GOP elites now eye a contested convention...

WASHINGTON — Senator Mitch McConnell has long antagonized Democrats with his tactics. Now he just has them perplexed, wondering why he would unilaterally block a Supreme Court nominee and potentially put vulnerable Republicans at risk with control of the Senate at stake in November. Mr.Source: Mitch McConnell Bets That Impasse on Court Now Helps G.O.P. Later...