Trevor Potter: Happy Campaign Finance Warrior
Stephen Colbert's campaign finance lawyer thinks Trump, Clinton and Sanders should join forces on getting money out of politics. He's not kidding.Source: Trevor Potter: Happy Campaign Finance Warrior...
Stephen Colbert's campaign finance lawyer thinks Trump, Clinton and Sanders should join forces on getting money out of politics. He's not kidding.Source: Trevor Potter: Happy Campaign Finance Warrior...
FairVote believes that every vote should matter and be heard in every public election. The fundamental goal of any primary election system should be to help foster a general election that will include meaningful choices, real competition, and fair representation.Source: Introducing The Public Primary...
Super-PACs and political non-profits have opened the spending spigot on congressional elections spurred by fears the bruising Republican presidential primary has put the party's majorities on Capitol Hill up for grabs. Outside groups from both parties have already spent a combined $34.Source: With GOP in Disarray, Super-PACs Target Congress...
On April 6, a proposed statewide California initiative was cleared to begin collecting signatures. The measure would require the state to permit registered voters to sign statewide and local initiatives electronically.Source: California Initiative for Electronic Signatures Begins to Circulate...
If Donald Trump wants to ward off defeat at a contested convention, he’s got more than just a vote of the delegates to worry about.Source: Trump has more than math to worry about in Cleveland...
Shining light on Clinton ‘dark money’ A look at specific contributions to the super PACs supporting Clinton shows just how difficult it can be to unravel who is really writing the checks.Source: How ‘Citizens United’ is helping Hillary Clinton win the White House...
Republican presidential candidate, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, speaks at a campaign stop at Waukesha County Exposition Center, Monday, April 4, in Waukesha, Wis. | AP PhotoSource: Cruz fundraiser heard toeing donations rule...
FEC Commissioner Weintraub believes that she has hit upon a regulatory maneuver to stop publicly traded corporations from making independent expenditures, or unlimited contributions to independent expenditure committees.Source: One FEC Commissioner's Answer to Citizens United -...
Source: Corporations may be progressive, but that still doesn’t make them people...
"Fully Open" After Evenwel -The Court left open the question of how a state must apportion its districts, so for now, both total population and total voting age population remain acceptable means of apportionment. The Court’s decision today sided with Texas, a decidedly Republican-leaning state, and simply ruled that the way Texas had apportioned its districts was constitutionally acceptable.The Republican...