Trump currently has about 1,053 delegates of the 1,237 he needs to win the nomination outright.  Republicans are still scheduled to vote in primary elections in California, Montana, New Jersey, New  Mexico, South Dakota, Washington, Oregon, West Virginia and Nebraska between now and June 7 – for a total of 445 delegates yet to be allocated.  It is nearly impossible to...

Ask the person on the street when elections are held, and they’ll say, “Duh, in November.” Ask an election official, though, and depending on what state they’re in, they may say, “Spring, fall and sometimes in between,” or “They never stop—we’re doing elections all year long.” With all eyes on the presidential nominating races, it may be hard to contemplate...

In this heated election year, Andrew Appel explores the history of voting and voting fraud as we have transitioned from paper ballots to mechanical voting machines. What does the future of voting and voting security look like in the United States?Internet Voting? Really? | Andrew Appel | TEDxPrincetonU - YouTube ...

To vote in the GOP primary, you’ve got to be a registered Republican. My guess is that most right-leaning, independent-thinking AIP members would side with Trump. Fortunately, it’s not too late for these Californians to correct their mistake. They’ve got until May 23 to reregister as a Democrat, a Republican or with no party at all. The latter is officially...

Bernie Sanders’s campaign claims a fundraising effort may have committed “serious apparent violations” of campaign-finance laws. The Bernie Sanders campaign is picking a fight with the Democratic Party, and the Hillary Clinton campaign.Source: Bernie Sanders's Campaign Accuses Hillary Victory Fund of 'Serious Apparent Violations'...

Conventional wisdom is now set: Because of his lack of organization at the delegate-selecting level, Donald Trump only has one chance to be the Republican presidential nominee: He needs to win it on the first ballot at the Republican National Convention in July. That's right.Source: Donald Trump has only one path to the GOP nomination. And he has himself to...