CLEVELAND — The balloons have already been stuffed into the rafters. The nominee is already known. The story lines are few. Yet 15,000 journalists — six for every one of the 2,500 delegates here — have encamped for the Republican National Convention.Source: ‘This is preposterous,’ says the media about the media’s convention overkill...

On July 19, U.S. District Court Judge Lynn Adelman, a Clinton, issued an order in Frank v Walker, e.d., 11-cv-1128. This is the case filed in 2011 over Wisconsin’s law requiring voters at the polls to show photo I.D.Source: U.S. District Court Rules that Wisconsin Must Allow Voters without ID To Vote If They Sign Under Penalty of Perjury That...

The 2016 Republican National Convention is a scary time for many Americans—including many Republicans—and so on the Late Show on Monday night, Stephen Colbert brought back two figures from the in-retrospect quite comforting era of the mid-to-late 2000s: Stephen Colbert (the character) andSource: Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart return to explain Trump (VIDEO)....