The court’s order denying all requested relief is here. The key portion of the order is its sole footnote: The Court is not limiting post-election discovery requests to the events described in Nevada.Source: Breaking: District Court in DNC v. RNC Case Denies Injunction, Contempt, and Extension of Voter Intimidation Decree, For Now...

“What has happened during the open primary is that the races have become longer in calendar length, and much more expensive — even though the number of races that are competitive, hotly contested, still remains relatively small,” said David McCuan, a political science professor at Sonoma StatSource: Top-Two Primary System Results in Numerous Same-Party Races...

Berkeley, CA - A preliminary analysis of website traffic to the comprehensive online voter guide Voter’s Edge California reveals that some of the most high-profile propositions on the statewide ballot are garnering less attention from users of Voter’s Edge California than ballot measures largSource: As California Prepares to Vote, Lesser-Known Ballot Measures Garner Voters’ Attention...