With Americans becoming acquainted with the corrupt, crooked, and callous nature of the Clinton Political Machine, Bill & Hillary tried to stop our efforts to ensure a fair vote.Source: Roger Stone: “we will not allow the dark forces behind Hillary’s campaign to engage in voter fraud and tampering.”...

For the past few decades, presidential elections have been dominated by voters of the Baby Boom and previous generations, who are estimated to have cast a majority of the votes. But their election reign may end this November, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of census data.Source: This may be the last presidential election dominated by Boomers and...

Recently, the Washington Post, Yahoo News, Time, the Columbia Journal Review and a host of other news organizations reported on a Center for Public Integrity study detailing the federal campaign-finance filings of journalists, reporters, news editors, television news anchors and other donors workingSource: Presidential Pollsters’ Political Contributions: Heavily For Hillary Clinton...