Tens of thousands of Americans work the polls on Election Day. They decide who gets to vote straightaway and who must first fill out an affidavit. They are charged with troubleshooting the machines, keeping the lines moving, and conveying the vote tally to their local board of elections.Source: We Make Voting Feel Good...

A three-judge federal panel Monday dismissed a renewed Republican challenge to the “soft-money” ban on unlimited donationstopolitical parties from wealthy individuals, corporations and advocacy groups like unions in a decision that returns the fight over a landmark campaign finance law to the U.Source: Panel upholds ‘soft-money’ ban but sends GOP campaign finance challenge to Supreme Court...

On Monday afternoon, the Supreme Court denied Democrats’ request to reinstate a trial court order barring the presidential campaigns and others from several activities views by the lower court as voter intimidation tactics.Source: SCOTUS, Without Asking for Response from Republicans, Rejects Attempt to Revive Trump Voter Intimidation Decree; J. Ginsburg Weighs In {Corrected]...

Back in August I wrote at NLJ about Republicans’ third attempt to overturn McCain-Feingold’s limits on how much political parties can raise from donors for election related advertising and other things.Source: Breaking: Three-Judge Court Rejects Challenge to McCain-Feingold Soft Money Issues, Teeing Up Issue for (New) Supreme Court...