On February 1, U.S. District Court Judge David O. Carter, a Clinton appointee, ruled that the California Secretary of State did not violate the First Amendment when he censored Paul Merritt’s candidate statement in the Voters Guide.Source: U.S. District Court Says California Secretary of State May Censor Candidate Statements in Voter Guide...

In the last decade, the Supreme Court has issued a series of 5-4 decisions that eviscerated previously existing campaign finance law, and led to such despised phenomena as super PACs, “dark money” spending, and unlimited corporate and union expenditures.Source: Fact Check: What the Supreme Court Got Wrong in its Money in Politics Decisions...

President Trump has announced that his administration will be launching a major investigation of voter fraud, including those who are registered in more than one state, “those who are illegal” and those voters who are dead but still registered.Source: John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky: Why Trump's probe of voter fraud is long overdue...

WASHINGTON ― Republican lawmakers in South Dakota are ready to declare a legislative emergency so that they quickly and completely wipe out an ethics and campaign finance reform law adopted by popular vote in November. The measure, known as IM-22, passed with 52 percent of the vote.Source: South Dakota GOP Rushes To Repeal Ethics Reforms Passed By Voters...