Senate Democrats revved up their Supreme Court message machine on Wednesday, orchestrating back-to-back hits on President Donald Trump’s nominee — even as their leader declined to predict a successful filibuster of conservative Judge Neil Gorsuch. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.Source: Democrats step up anti-Gorsuch efforts amid liberal pressure...

Last spring, as he laid the groundwork for his gubernatorial run, Democrat Antonio Villaraigosa announced the formation of a super PAC he said would “harness the compassion and power” of Californians to fight back against anti-immigrant policies and then-Republican presidential candidate DonaldSource: Super PAC didn’t derail Trump, but it did boost Villaraigosa’s governor bid...

One of the major threats to free speech today is not censorship. It’s harassment. Here’s how it works. People join or give money to groups that support causes they believe in. Those groups attract the ire of government officials when they criticize them or take a position they oppose.Source: Gorsuch Understands How Bureaucratic Bullies Harm First Amendment Rights...