On April 11, California Secretary of State Alex Padilla endorsed SB 568, which moves the primary in presidential years, for all office, from June to the third Tuesday in March. The author of SB 568 is Senator Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens).Source: California Secretary of State Alex Padilla Endorses Moving California Primary for All Office (in Presidential Years) to March...

Voting and ID Requirements: A Survey of Registered Voters in Three States:Since the 2000 election, one of the most contentious issues in election administration has been voter identification requirements. This article provides the results of a survey of registered voters in Indiana, Maryland, and Mississippi, which aimed to explore the extent to which ID requirements pose a problem (if any)...

Some on the right have claimed that the complaint filed by Twitter (via Seth Waxman) seeking to block the Trump administration from forcing Twitter to reveal the identity of a Twitter user critical of the government (and perhaps working for the government) demonstrates the unconstitutionality of cSource: No, the Attempt to Block the Unmasking of Trump Critic on Twitter Does Not...

WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans on Thursday engineered a dramatic change in how the chamber confirms Supreme Court nominations, bypassing a Democratic blockade of Judge Neil M. Gorsuch in a move that will most likely reshape both the Senate and the court.Source: Senate Republicans Deploy ‘Nuclear Option’ to Clear Path for Gorsuch...

Alexandria, VA – The Center for Competitive Politics (CCP), America’s largest nonprofit defending First Amendment political speech rights, released the following statement commending New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez for her veto of S.B. 96:Source: CCP Commends New Mexico Governor Martinez for Vetoing Anti-Donor Privacy Bill...