On the evening of September 12, the U.S. Supreme Court countermanded two rulings of lower federal courts in Texas, and said that Texas need not draw new districts in time for the 2018 election. One case involved U.S. House districts; the other state house districts. See this Scotusblog post.Source: U.S. Supreme Court Won’t Require Texas to Draw New Districts In...

President Trump's controversial commission looking into voter fraud holds its first meeting outside Washington, D.C., on Tuesday in New Hampshire. The federal panel has been unusually secretive and is being sued by voter advocacy groups, who want it to be more transparent about its agenda.Source: Voter Fraud Commission Holds Second Meeting In New Hampshire Amid Controversy...

Two GOP lawmakers have turned their fire on President Trump's Justice Department after it announced it would not reconsider its decision not to prosecute Lois Lerner, the IRS employee at the center of the 2013 political-targeting scandal. Reps.Source: GOP lawmakers furious after DOJ declines to prosecute ex-IRS official Lois Lerner...

New York, N.Y. – The Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity relies on a database produced by the Heritage Foundation to justify baseless claims — by President Trump and some of the panel’s members — of rampant voter fraud.Source: Analysis: Heritage Foundation's Database Undermines Claims of Recent Voter Fraud...