Douglas Goodman and Nevadans for Election Reform is hoping to qualify a Nevada ballot initiative for the 2020 election. It will abolish primaries, and use Ranked Choice Voting for the general election. Here is the web page.Source: Nevadans for Electoral Reform Hopes to Qualify Initiative for 2020 to Eliminate Primaries and Use Ranked Choice for the General Election...

Before oral argument I explained that the vote in Gill v. Whitford is likely to come down to Justice Kennedy, with the Court’s four liberal Justices voting to rein in partisan gerrymandering and the four conservatives voting against it.Source: With Justice Kennedy Seriously Considering Being the 5th Vote to Rein in Partisan Gerrymandering, The Chief Justice Worries About the Political Thicket...

SAN FRANCISCO — Russian operatives set up an array of misleading Web sites and social media pages to identify American voters susceptible to propaganda, then used a powerful Facebook tool to repeatedly send them messages designed to influence their political behavior, say people familiar with theSource: Russians took a page from corporate America by using Facebook tool to ID and...