The results are in from Seattle's first election under the city's Democracy Voucher program. So far, the winners are incumbents and establishment-backed campaigns. The program gives each registered voter four $25 vouchers to give to the qualified candidates of their choice.Source: 'Democracy Vouchers' Help Incumbents, Establishment Candidates Coast to Victory...

There’s an urgent need for reform for disclosure of how much money mighty political lobbyists are giving law makers who are writing relevant tax legislation When powerful lobbyists work hard over the coming weeks to convince Republican lawmakers to change their tax package to please them,Source: US campaign finance laws resemble legalized bribery. We must reform them...

As we reported yesterday, Election Day 2017 featured several high profile ranked choice voting elections in cities and towns. Altogether, more than 200,000 voters ranked their choices in Minneapolis, St. Paul, Cambridge, Mass. and Takoma Park, Md in cities with a total population of about 844,500.Source: Voter Turnout Surges in All Four Cities with Ranked Choice Voting...