In a case that could force the redrawing of congressional maps before the 2018 elections, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Thursday ordered a Commonwealth Court judge to hear a gerrymandering lawsuit by the end of the year. The high court’s 4-3 vote overturned a Commonwealth Court decision.Source: Gerrymandering suit can proceed, Pa. Supreme Court rules...

I spent a good part of my Saturday afternoon tweeting and blogging in conversations with Hugh Hewitt about ways Republicans could deal with the Roy Moore mess. At first Hewitt suggested cancelling the election altogether, and letting Strange just complete the term.Source: The Latest Ploy GOP Considers to Avoid a Roy Moore Senate Problem Likely Violates the 17th Amendment...

While most people were focused on election results on Tuesday night, lawyers in Philadelphia were in court dealing with yet another election problem in Philadelphia.  At best in Philadelphia, it is hard to say where the incompetence ends and the vote fraud begins.Source: From Incompetence To Jim Crow: Elections In Philadelphia Are Out Of Control...

With allegations that Republican candidate for Senate in Alabama Roy Moore initiated sexual contact with a 14-year-old when he was 32, there is already talk about him withdrawing from the race. Derek Muller reports that Alabama law would not allow a replacement this late.Source: Should Alabama Republican Party Get to Replace Roy Moore on Senate Ballot If He Withdraws?...

A program overseen by the head of President Trump’s so-called “election integrity” commission—which is now largely a tool for driving conspiracy theories about “massive voter fraud” in the United States—is placing the personal data of millions of American voters at risk, according toSource: Even a Novice Hacker Could Breach the Network Hosting Kris Kobach's Bogus Voter Fraud Program...

Skip to main content PRESS RELEASE Press Release Share on Google+ Copy link Contact: Related Updates Deeplinks Blog by Cindy Cohn | October 10, 2017 Deeplinks Blog by Elliot Harmon, Jeremy Gillula | September 13, 2017Source: Trump’s Blocking People From His Twitter Account Violates the First Amendment, EFF Tells Court...