RICHMOND — A Virginia elections official reached into an artsy stoneware bowl, pulled out a name and declared Republican David Yancey the winner of a House of Delegates race that could determine which political party controls the chamber.Source: A random drawing out of a bowl helped Republicans win a tied Virginia election....

The First Amendment makes it very difficult to regulate "fake news," and it raises dangers that those who would regulate would do so not to stop the spread of misinformation but to protect their own political position. I have a paper coming out in the First Amendment Law Review on this very question, including the issue of foreign interference: We may...

WASHINGTON — A request by the Justice Department to ask people about their citizenship status in the 2020 census is stirring a broad backlash from census experts and others who say the move could wreck chances for an accurateSource: Critics Say Questions About Citizenship Could Wreck Chances for an Accurate Census...