THE BIG IDEA: In June, D.C. voters made a surprising but decisive choice. By a 12-point margin, the District approved raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour for restaurant workers and others who earn tips.Source: The Daily 202: By overturning ballot initiatives, more lawmakers are rejecting the will of their voters...

A commission charged with enforcing California’s campaign violations in an election year has spent its time publicly bickering, altering the agency’s power structure and adjusting its own pay.Source: It’s an election year, and California’s campaign watchdogs are busy fighting among themselves...

Josh Lafair, 17, says he doesn't remember when he first heard about gerrymandering. Growing up with older twin sublings in one of the six funky-looking congressional districts that make up his hometown of Austin, Texas, it was a frequent topic of conversation around the dinner table, he says.Source: H.S. student invents game on evils of gerrymandering. Arnold Schwarzenegger plays....

To subscribe to the monthly C&E email newsletter and event announcements click here. As lawmakers across the country move to regulate online advertising at the state level, strategists are increasingly concerned about the impact such laws will have on digital advertising campaigns.Source: As States Move to Regulate Digital Ads, Consultants Warn of Unintended Consequences...

While the Ohio 12th congressional district special election took up most of the oxygen on Tuesday night, there were other pivotal contests that helped to shape the contours of the midterm elections. Here are five contests you may have missed.Source: Republicans outspent Democrats by 3 to 1 margin in contested special elections...