Earlier this week, PBS aired the documentary, Dark Money. The film is directed and produced by , previously known for her autobiographical documentary, Prodigal Sons. Reed’s newest film again points the camera at her home state of Montana.Source: “Dark Money” Documentary Warns Viewers of the Dangers of Postcards...

Republicans are at risk of a wipeout in California’s six most hotly contested congressional races, a new poll shows — a result that could radically reshape the state’s political map, with major consequences nationally.Source: Republicans face big risks in contested California races as Democrats fight for control of the House...

On September 26, the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) released a statewide poll for various California races and ballot measures. It shows that 23% of residents who say they will cast a ballot, intend to leave U.S. Senate blank.Source: Poll Shows 23% of Californians Who Plan to Cast a Vote Will Leave U.S. Senate Blank...

Facebook has announced in a briefing call its plans to push users for voter registration ahead of the US and Brazil elections. The company has partnered with TurboVote, the National Democratic Institute and the International Republican Institute to monitor election meddling.Source: Facebook pushes voter registration drive, inks deals to monitor elections...