The period of increased polarization in the United States among the political branches and citizenry affects the selection, work, perception, and relative power of state and federal judges, including Justices of the United States Supreme Court.Source: Revised Version of My Forthcoming Paper, “Polarization and the Judiciary,” Now Current Through Kavanaugh Nomination...

The Supreme Court will settle a dispute over a video that aired on a New York City public access television channel that could have ramifications for social media and public radio stations. On Friday, the Justices said they would accept Manhattan Community Access Corp. v.Source: Supreme Court takes public access TV case with bigger implications...

House Minority Leader Nancy PelosiNancy Patricia D'Alesandro PelosiOn The Money: Deficit hits six-year high of 9 billion | Yellen says Trump attacks threaten Fed | Affordable housing set for spotlight in 2020 race Deficit hits six-year high of 9 billion: Treasury GOP has not done a good job ofSource: Pelosi: Dems would start with campaign finance reform if they take...