Granting review in MCD v. Mangan could limit overregulation and protect free speech Alexandria, VA – The Institute for Free Speech and the Cato Institute yesterday filed a friend of the court brief asking the Supreme Court to hear a challenge to Montana campaign finance laws.Source: Supreme Court Should Hear Challenge to Montana Law, IFS Brief Says...

An Idaho judge who was sworn in to serve as a judge on the Ninth Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals on Monday will hear probably hear cases in Pasadena several times a year.Source: Idaho Judge Nominated by President Trump to Pasadena's Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Sworn In, "Can't Wait to Get Started"...

@monkeycageblog has become its namesake, a blog lacking vetting of the claims put forth. Quite sad, really, since it used to showcase peer-reviewed scholarship. Case in point: this post wildly inflates the number of persons affected by GA's exact match About Those 900,000 Voters Potentially Disenfranchised by Ga’s ‘Exact Match’ Law? Not So Much...

It’s been eight years since Citizens United v. FEC, and America still doesn’t have transparency about the sources of money in politics. To wit, over $100 million in dark money has been spent as of October 17, 2018, with key weeks left in the midterms.Source: The 2018 Elections Have $100 million in Dark Money and Counting...