Voters in more than a dozen states will vote on ballot questions next Tuesday to enact stringent laws on campaign finance and other government ethics issues affecting state and local lawmakers. The surge in ballot questions comes as national Democrats are embracing ethics reform issues.Source: Voters Could Clamp Down On Ethics, Campaign Finance At The Ballot Box...

CINCINNATI — As the 2018 midterm campaign enters its final full week, House Republicans are rushing to fortify their defenses in conservative-leaning districts they thought were secure, pouring millions of dollars into a last-minute bid to build a new firewall against Democrats.Source: Republicans Rushing to Save House Seats From Onslaught of Democratic Money...

A couple weeks have now passed since Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s first day on the Supreme Court. After a tumultuous confirmation process, Kavanaugh was voted onto the Court by the Senate on Oct. 6, and he started his lifetime term on Oct. 9. During the weeks leading up to Oct.Source: Only a fraction of ‘dark money’ spending on Kavanaugh disclosed...